BASIC 1– You have recently taken up chess as a hobby, and are struggling to break the 1000 rating barrier on Your rating seems to be going in circles from 800-950 and you just can’t get over the hump. You are likely to be making very basic mistakes in your thought process and general approach to the game, which I can help you fix immediately. This coupled with some basic tactics training which I will guide you through, and you will make very quick progress, and break through the 1000 rating barrier and beyond within just a couple of lessons, or other forms of training that I offer.
BASIC 2– 1000-1200 – This is a very common rating range for adult players to be stuck in. Most adults who begin to take the game somewhat seriously, and do some tactics training are able to break the 1000 rating barrier on their own but find it very difficult to progress to the next level and break the 1200 barrier. Just like in basic 1, the main reason for plateauing at this level are issues of thought process, and inner dialogue during your games, as well as an impractical approach to the game. I can help you quickly identify and fix those issues which will allow you to quickly break the 1200 barrier and beyond, usually within the first few months.
BASIC 3– 1200-1400 Adult players at this range typically have been dedicating more time to the game and often watch various chess youtube videos such as Hikaru, Gotham Chess, and Agadmator. They are also quite likely to do some tactics training such as puzzle rush, however they still find it very hard to cross the 1400 rating barrier. As usual it comes down to faulty thought process, and an impractical approach to the game, which I will be able to quickly identify and guide you to fix them, which will allow you to efficiently break the 1400 barrier.
INTERMEDIATE 1– 1400-1600 This rating range is where it usually starts getting trickier and tougher to improve as an adult. A large percentage of ambitious adult players get stuck for months or even years in this rating range, and are not able to cross the 1600 rating barrier. At the lower levels it is often enough to just make several key distinctions in your thought process and slightly improve board vision, and that is usually enough to make very quick progress and gain several hundred rating points quickly. However, at this level it typically requires and more disciplined and detailed approach to the analysis of your games to spot more subtle patterns of mistakes and inefficiencies with your thought process and inner dialogue during your games, as well as time management. Psychological aspects of the game become more important at this level, and my lessons put a greater emphasis on this. Tactics training also takes on greater importance at this level, and I will guide you exactly how to train your tactics. Most of my students are able to break through the 1600 barrier within 6 months of training depending on your initial level and level of your dedication.
INTERMEDIATE 2– 1600-1800 At this level it becomes extremely difficult to improve for most adult players. Most serious adult players get stuck at this rating range for their entire lives, and are never able to get to the 1800 level. This rating range is already at about the 90th percentile of all chess players, and it is very tough because you are playing against other players who are also in the 90th percentile, who are also very good so it takes a lot to be able to beat those players on a consistent basis. At this level, private lessons are highly recommended, as well as detailed analysis of your games with your thoughts, and training games. Also, other aspects of training are necessary at this level such as tactics, positional, opening and endgame. I will guide you as to how to exactly train each of those aspects. With regular lessons and some serious dedication students can expect to break the 1800 rating barrier within one year.
ADVANCED STUDENTS– 1800+ rating- In my experience, less than 5% of all adult players at this level are able to make the jump from 1800-2000 and actually cross the 2000 level and well under 1% are able to break 2200 and make master at an adult age. I was actually fortunate enough to be one of those players and was able to cross the 2200 barrier after the age of 30. I understand this rating level extremely well, since I was stuck there myself for many years. I know all the hardships and pitfalls that these players face in trying to improve at this level. Our lessons and game analysis will be extremely detail oriented and I will help you identify the specific patterns of mistakes in your thought process at critical junctures of the game. I will also guide you exactly how to train all other aspects of the game on your own. With regular lessons and training, and some serious dedication, I am confident that you will be able to break the 2000-2200 level depending on your initial level.